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Dux Ducis Aimo Mag MagSafe tok Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra fekete

SKU: DDS1716
EAN: 6934913027073
40,00 zł
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Tok Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra A Dux Ducis Aimo Mag sorozat fekete színű, MagSafe kompatibilis páncélvédő tok.

Ha strapabíró tokot keresel, amely megvédi a...Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra maximum védelem, az Dux Ducis Aimo Mag ideális választás. A TPU-ból készült vastag, rugalmas keret és a PC-ből készült merev hátlap révén az eszközöd biztonságban lesz a legnehezebb helyzetekben is. A képernyő és a kamera körüli emelt szélek védik őket a sérülésektől és karcoktól, és az eset alsó részén található lyukak segítségével pántot vagy zsinórt rögzíthetsz hozzá, így mindig kéznél lesz a telefonod. Akár sétálsz, akár a szabadban vagy, Dux Ducis Aimo Mag biztosítja a számodraSamsung Galaxy S23 Ultra teljes védelmet. Az tok mágneses gyűrűvel rendelkezik, amely kompatibilis a MagSafe kiegészítőkkel. A telefonodat a szabványnak megfelelő töltőkkel tudod tölteni.

Tok Dux Ducis Aimo Mag Ez nemcsak tökéletes védelem, hanem egy stílusos kiegészítő is az eszközödhöz. Az elegáns kialakításnak köszönhetően a tokot az igényeidhez és ízlésedhez igazíthatod. Már nem kell aggódnod a telefonod megsérülése miatt a mindennapi használat során, és egyben biztos lehetsz benne, hogy a telefonod stílusosan és divatosan fog kinézni. Tok vásárlásakor Dux Ducis Aimo Mag Biztos lehetsz benne, hogy a legmagasabb minőségű termékbe fektetsz, amely teljes védelmet nyújt okostelefonodnak és elegáns megjelenést biztosít.


  • Márka: Dux Ducis
  • Sorozat: Dux Ducis Aimo Mag
  • Anyag: TPU, PC
  • Kompatibilitás: Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra
  • Eszköz modellkódja:
    • This text appears to be a model number or a product code and doesn't require translation. If you have any other text you would like translated, please provide it!
    • SM-S918BZKDEUE
    • SM-S918BLIDEUE
    • This text appears to be a model number or code and does not require translation. If you need assistance with something else, please let me know!
    • The text you provided seems to be a model number or identifier and does not require translation as it is not in a natural language format. If you need assistance with something specific related to this model number, please provide more context!
    • It seems that "SM-S918BZKHEUE" is a model number or product code, and it does not require translation. If you have any other text that needs to be translated from Polish to Hungarian, please provide it!
    • A megadott szöveg nem igényel fordítást, mivel egy eszközmodell vagy azonosító szám. Ha van más szöveg, amit szeretnél lefordítani, kérlek írd le!
    • SM-S918BZEHEUE
    • SM-S918BZAHEUE
    • The text "SM-S918BLBHEUE" does not contain any translatable content as it appears to be a product code or model number. If you have any other text that needs translation, please provide it!
    • The text you provided seems to be a product code or model number, and it does not require translation as it is not a sentence or phrase in Polish. If you have more text that you would like translated, please provide it!
    • The text "SM-S918BZRHEUE" does not appear to be in Polish or any language that requires translation; it seems to be a model number or a code. If you need assistance with something specific regarding this code, please provide more context!
    • SM-S918BZGPEUE
    • It seems like the text you provided is a model number or code and does not require translation. If you have any other text that needs to be translated from Polish to Hungarian, please provide it, and I'll be happy to assist!
    • SM-S918BLIPEUE
    • The text "SM-S918BZEPEUE" does not appear to have a direct translation as it seems to be a model number or product code. If you need help with something specific related to this code, please provide more context!
    • The text "SM-S918BZAPEUE" does not require translation as it appears to be a model number or code. If you need assistance with anything else, feel free to ask!
    • SM-S918BLBPEUE
    • SM-S918BLGPEUE
    • The text "SM-S918BZRPEUE" does not have a direct translation, as it appears to be a model number or code. Model numbers typically remain the same across different languages. If you have additional text or context that needs translation, please provide that!
    • SM-S918BZGC
    • The text "SM-S918BZKC" does not require translation as it appears to be a model number or code. If you have any other text you would like translated, please provide that!
    • The text "SM-S918BZEC" is a model number and does not require translation. It remains the same in Hungarian.
    • SM-S918BZAC
    • SM-S918BLBC
    • The text "SM-S918BLGC" does not require translation as it appears to be a model number or product code. If you have additional text that needs translation, please provide that.
    • SM-S918BZRC
    • SM-S918BZKQ
    • The text "SM-S918BZEQ" does not require translation as it appears to be a model number or code, which remains the same in all languages.
    • I'm sorry, but "SM-S918BZGW" does not appear to be a text that can be translated as it seems to be a model number or product code. If you have a different text you would like translated, please provide that!
    • SM-S918BZKW
    • The text "SM-S918BZEW" does not contain any specific language content to translate. It appears to be a model number or code, which typically remains the same across languages. If you have additional text or context you would like translated, please provide that, and I would be happy to assist!
    • The text you provided seems to be a model number or code and does not require translation as it is not a sentence or phrase in Polish. If you have any other text or information that needs translation, please provide that, and I'll be happy to help!
    • SM-S918BZKDEUB
    • SM-S918BLIDEUB
    • SM-S918BZEDEUB
    • SM-S918BZADEUB
    • SM-S918BLBDEUB
    • SM-S918BLGDEUB
    • The text "SM-S918BZRDEUB" does not require translation as it appears to be a model number or code. If you need help with something else, please let me know!
    • SM-S918BZGHEUB
    • SM-S918BZKHEUB
    • The text "SM-S918BLIHEUB" does not contain any meaningful content to translate from Polish to Hungarian as it appears to be a product model or code. If you have any specific text or sentences you would like me to translate, please provide them!
    • SM-S918BZEHEUB
    • The text "SM-S918BZAHEUB" does not require translation as it appears to be a model number or code. If you need assistance with something else, please let me know!
    • The text "SM-S918BLBHEUB" does not require translation as it appears to be a model number or code. If you need assistance with something else related to this code, please let me know!
    • The text "SM-S918BLGHEUB" does not require translation as it appears to be a model number or code. If you need assistance with something else related to this text, please let me know!
    • The text "SM-S918BZRHEUB" does not have a translation as it appears to be a model number or code.
    • SM-S918BZGPEUB
    • SM-S918BZKPEUB
    • I'm sorry, but "SM-S918BLIPEUB" appears to be a model number or code and does not require translation. If you have any other text or need assistance with a different request, feel free to ask!
    • I'm sorry, but the text you provided appears to be a model number or a code, which does not require translation. If you have any other text or need further assistance, feel free to let me know!
    • SM-S918BZAPEUB
    • The text "SM-S918BLBPEUB" does not require translation as it appears to be a model number or code, which typically remains the same across languages.
    • SM-S918BLGPEUB
    • SM-S918BZRPEUB
    • The text "SM-S918BZADEUE" does not contain any Polish words or phrases that can be translated into Hungarian. It appears to be a product code or model number. If you have any other text or phrases that need translation, please provide them!
    • SM-S918BLBDEUE
    • The text "SM-S918BLGDEUE" does not require translation as it appears to be a model number or product code, which is typically not translated between languages. If you have any other text or context you would like translated, please provide that!
    • SM-S918BZRDEUE
    • SM-S918BZGBTHL
    • The text you provided appears to be a model number or product code and does not require translation. If you have any other text you would like to translate, please provide it.
    • SM-S918BLIBTHL
    • The text "SM-S918BZEBTHL" does not appear to be translatable as it seems to be a model number or code. If you have any other text you would like translated, feel free to share!
    • The text you provided appears to be a model number or code, and it does not require translation. If you have any other text or questions you'd like to translate or ask about, feel free to share!
    • The text "SM-S918BLBBTHL" does not have a specific meaning in Polish or Hungarian, as it appears to be a model number or code, likely related to a product. Therefore, it remains unchanged in translation.
    • The text you provided seems to be a model number or a product code rather than a sentence or phrase that can be translated. Therefore, it remains the same in Hungarian: SM-S918BLGBTHL.
    • SM-S918BZGQTHL
    • The text you provided seems to be a model number rather than a sentence or phrase to translate. Model numbers typically remain the same across different languages. If you have any other text you'd like translated, please share!
    • The text "SM-S918BLIQTHL" does not require translation as it appears to be a model number or code. Such terms typically remain unchanged across languages. If you need any other assistance, feel free to ask!
    • SM-S918BZEQTHL
    • SM-S918BZRQTHL
    • The text you provided seems to be a model number or a code, which does not require translation. If you have any other text or need further assistance, feel free to share!
    • The text "SM-S918BLGQTHL" does not require translation as it appears to be a model number or code, which remains the same in any language.
    • SM-S918BZAQTHL
    • The text you provided appears to be a model number or a product code and does not require translation. If you have any other text or specific content you would like translated from Polish to Hungarian, please provide that, and I'll be happy to help!
    • The text you provided appears to be a model number or code and does not contain any words to translate. If you have another text or need further assistance, please let me know!
    • SM-S918BLBWTHL
    • SM-S918BLGWTHL
    • SM-S918BZAWTHL
  • Szín: fekete

A Dux Ducis Aimo Mag tok legfontosabb előnyei Samsung Galaxy S23 UltraKépzése október 2023-ig terjedő adatokon alapul.

  • Kompatibilitás a MagSafe-szel. Töltsd fel okostelefonodat vezeték nélkül, anélkül, hogy le kellene venni a tokot. Szabadon használhatod a mágneses kiegészítőket, mint például a powerbankot vagy a pénztárcát is.
  • Az eszköz védelme a sérülések és karcolások ellen. A vastag, rugalmas TPU keret és a merev PC hátlap hatékony védelmet nyújt a leesések és ütések ellen.
  • A képernyő és a kamera körüli megemelt szélek védik ezeket az érzékeny területeket a karcolásoktól és sérülésektől.
  • A telefon csuklón, nyakon vagy vállon való felfüggesztésének lehetősége a pánt vagy zsinór számára kialakított nyílásoknak köszönhetően.
  • Elegáns és eredeti design. A tok érdekes, modern megjelenéssel rendelkezik, amely miatt a telefonod különlegesen fog kinézni.
  • Könnyű hozzáférés minden gombhoz és porthoz. A pontosan kivágott nyílásoknak köszönhetően szabadon használhatod a telefon összes funkcióját anélkül, hogy le kellene venned a tokot.
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